The Body Language of Executive Presence

Adapted from my article first published with Forbes, August 2023

The moment someone sees you, on camera or in person, they begin to form an impression.  The way you look and carry yourself sets the foundation well before you begin to tell your story.  Understanding the science of body language is worth your time:  it’s so much easier to begin from a positive first impression than to rebuild from a negative start.  

So, how can you be personally authentic and still project an effective professional image? How can you show confidence without arrogance or over-statement?  How do you balance professionalism in the new casual, informal, anything goes work culture?  How do you achieve presence in a world of hybrid work, virtual meetings, and only occasional in-person professional events?

Here are a few tips on using physical cues to drive effective executive presence. 

  • Be Seen. First, if you attend a meeting, in person or via video, it’s important to be seen.  Make your presence known, to at least one person, in the room.  And be more than a black box with a name on a virtual call. 

  • Don’t Get Lost in your Screens.  Many folks are using multiple screens and we watch their eyes shift and heads rotate as they scan surfaces during virtual meetings.  While this may be appropriate in routine working sessions when your team understands the context, it is distracting in other meetings.  It looks like you’re doing other things. When the meeting is important, work to stay in the screen that’s in the meeting to show up as engaged in the interaction.  

  • Take Up Space.  Space has significance, and you deserve that.  Don’t be in the corner of the meeting room or the corner of your screen.  Be in the center to signal that you deserve to be present, and you have something to contribute. 

  • Posture is Power:  Keep your shoulders back and spine straight.  Stand tall to convey confidence.  Lengthen your spine and drop your shoulders to stay calm and look self-assured.  

  • Stay Levelheaded, literally:  There’s truth in the adage of being “levelheaded.” A level head indicates an assured, capable person. “A bowed head makes you look unsure of yourself, vulnerable, and even guilty of something.” Practice keeping your chin at a 90 angle to your chest.  “If you keep it too high, you are likely to be viewed as condescending or even aggressive. If you keep it lowered or dipped, you are more likely to be viewed as unsure of yourself or submissive.”

  • Show Interest:  Communication is always two ways.  Listening without reacting diminishes the energy of the speaker.  Respond with facial expressions that reinforce, motivate and guide the speaker.  You don’t need to agree, but you should engage and show interest.  

  • Emphasize Importance via Eye Contact: Relationships are built on eye contact.  Find the level and type of eye contact that is comfortable for you.  Use your eye contact to reinforce what’s most important to you in every interaction.  

  • Optimize Vocal Clarity:  Some research shows that nearly 40% of the first impression you make on other people is based entirely on the sound of your voice. Calibrating with your listeners is key to success:  check if your volume is loud enough, ask if they understand your concepts; reinforce your key points with expression, graphics, or repetition; and keep it short to allow time for questions.  

  • Deliberately Pause: Overdrive has become the new norm at work.  We want to compress schedules and conversations, barely providing time to think.  The tendency for information overload and constant interruptions is pervasive.  Taking a thoughtful pause is a powerful way to engage hearts and minds.

  • Avoid distracting habits:  Often we have unconscious habits to soothe our nerves. Some folks touch their face or play with their hair.  Others tap their fingers, click their pen, or doodle on the side.  These habits often diminish executive presence.   I suggest you stabilize your hands to avoid these distractions.  Maybe hold a drink or sit on your hands until these habits fade. 

To create a career that you will love, begin by deciding who you want to be at work.  Don’t let random or unconscious behaviors define your presence; instead, set your target.  Decide who you want to be, how you want to show up, and take positive actions to make that happen.  We all have a persona at work – the question is how actively you are designing that persona to be real and advantageous for the career you want. 

For those of us already in careers, executive presence is a bit of a chicken and egg problem.  You are defined by who you’ve been and how you’ve shown up already.  In this context, you can decide what is already working well, and what’s suboptimal, and set a plan for moving forward.  

Take time to do a “persona audit.”  Take a look at yourself from the 30,000 foot view, and see what other’s see during your interactions.  Are you on screen, or a black box?  Are you engaged, or multi-tasking? Are you a contributor or observer (or just lurking)? Do your clothes look intentional or adhoc? Are you fiddling with your face or hair, or just calmly in the conversation, or actually engaged and energized? From this 30,000 foot view, how would you describe your persona?  Are you showing up as your best self for your best career?

While some individuals have compelling charisma, this gift belongs to a rare few.  When you encounter them, watch, and learn.  But know that you own what characteristics are uniquely yours and distinctly valuable.  Executive presence is within your control when you decide who you want to be and how you want to show up in your career.  Picture your “career-self “as successful, impactful, and happy about 10 years from now: what should you be doing today to make that persona the reality?